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About Us

Hobbyist Turned Business Owner

In January of 2020, our son Logan (who may or may not be named after Wolverine) was born three months premature. Shortly after, Logan was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. At this time, my wife and I made the decision to have her leave her full-time job, and take on the even harder job of being Logan's full-time caregiver. While this was best for our son, it left us coming up short on finances. Three months after Logan was born, the COVID 19 pandemic started. My full time job ended up having reduced hours, stretching our financial situation further. 

Desperate to find ways to make extra income, I picked up a second part-time job. We were still barely getting by. So, I started browsing the internet for estate auctions, deals on various marketplaces, etc. I had some success, but it entailed lots of driving, picking up and storing large, bulky items. I also began selling as many unnecessary items from around the house as I could. During this quest, I rediscovered my old card collection from when I was a 90's kid. Curious about their value, I began to research as much as I could. Needless to say, I instantly saw the business potential of trading cards as a whole. Small problem: I was, of course, very attached to my personal collection. So, I dove head-first into turning my old hobby into a business.

I was quickly able to make up the missing income from my wife's salary, and enjoyed buying and selling cards for the following years. I traveled the country for trade shows, made lots of new friends, and built my personal collection to levels I never thought I could. However, it was during this side venture that I discovered many inadequacies in the trading card supplies industry. Plagued with inferior products, stock shortages, and poor customer service, I saw an opportunity in the market. With a background in graphic design, 15 years of retail merchandising and product development, and a degree in Business Administration, I also knew that I had the right combination of skills and experience to be able to succeed in this industry. 


In January of 2022, I formed Trading Card Solutions with one mission: provide innovative, superior products to the trading card supplies industry. Today, I remain dedicated to delivering on that mission. 


Evan Roberts

Founder and CEO

Trading Card Solutions

Founder and CEO of Trading Card Solutions

The Founder and CEO of Trading Card Solutions (not Master Chief, the other guy). 

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